FarmIndia is an agri based commodity trading house. We trade in various grains, pulses, oil-seeds and extractions both domestically as well as internationally. Being in the industry since 1983, we have gone from having a single office in Bangalore, to now having multiple offices across India and its ports. We have been steadily growing and venturing into new commodities and markets and hope to have an international presence in origin markets in the near future. We are also looking to integrate food processing into our business
FarmIndia Impex Pvt. Ltd.
#380, Ittina Centre,
1st Cross, 3rd Block,
Bangalore, India - 560034
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Tel: +91 (80) 2553 6993
+91 (80) 4173 7585
Fax: +91 (80) 25536994
Email: getintouch@farmindia.co.in